The truth is, no one wants to have to replace their commercial roof, whether it’s the cost or the time it takes, or both. Despite this, at some point your flat roofing will have to be replaced, or your building could suffer severe consequences. Your roof is your first line of defense against the elements, protecting the building itself, your assets, and the people inside from things like water infiltration, mold, and more, so it is crucial that it is at its best at all times.
Below we outline some of the things to watch for in terms of replacing commercial flat roofing.
A leaky roof is a far from uncommon occurrence, but that doesn’t make it any less serious to handle right away. One of the biggest issues with leaks in commercial roofs is that they can go unnoticed for longer than leaks in residential roofing, especially since leaks don’t always lead to dumping of, or even dripping of, water, instead often causing high humidity leading to mold and structural issues, which aren’t always easy to see.
If you notice a musty and damp smell in your building it is a good sign that your roof may be leaking and have water damage. In this case, call in professional roofing contractors right away to get to the root of the problem and fix any damage already done.
Tip: If your building has an attic it is important to routinely check it for signs of leaking and water damage, especially if it is a low traffic area where these issues might go unnoticed for long periods of time.
A large percentage of commercial roofs are flat roofs, and flat roofs are made up of a range of different kinds of membranes. When wear and tear or direct damage occurs on the membrane a bunch of different issues can occur. Just like any other aspect of your building, you should frequently inspect your roof to make sure there are no threats to its integrity.
When checking the membrane, look for bald spots or areas that are lifting up, this is a sign that the roof is no longer properly sealed, or was never properly installed in the first place, and needs to be repaired, restored, or maybe even replaced.
Bubbling a blistering occurs when moisture has managed to enter the roofing material and becomes trapped underneath. When this happens, the moisture is likely to start traveling down into the rest of your building, subsequently causing water damage. This can happen over time, or quite soon in improperly installed flat roofing.
A sagging roof is a serious issue that must be addressed right away. Whether due to large amounts of moisture, water accumulation, or installation of a new roof over an old one, a sagging roof is a sure sign of damage that must be dealt with by professionals. Sagging parts of your roof could lead to a roof collapse, so do not wait and put you and others at risk by putting it off too long.
Even the most expertly installed and well-maintained flat roofing will not last forever, so it is important to keep track of how old your roof is, and when it may be due for replacement. The average lifespan of most commercial roofing is about 25 years, and waiting much longer after this could put your building at risk for damages. If your roof is getting close to 25 years old, be sure to hire professional flat roofing contractors to give you an inspection and offer the best solutions based on your particular building and situation.
Some of these warning signs might not be a sure case for entire roof replacement, but the best way to know if you are in need of roof repairs, maintenance, or roof replacement is by asking the experts. When you suspect damage to your commercial flat roofing, calling in a roofing contractor for an inspection sooner rather than later is the best thing you can do to ensure your building is safe and secure, and will save you plenty of stress, and money, down the road.